
To Know God and Make Him Known.

Knowing Gods word must be a priority in every believers life. Do you know the calling that God has placed for your life? Consider investing two weeks into Bible School where we will focus on knowing God deeper and making him known.

Coming in 2025

Materials for Learning

The curriculum of the Bible school will revolve around the concept of unwavering faith, and students will delve into the Bible to gain a deeper understanding of how to cultivate and sustain their faith in the face of challenges and uncertainty. They will examine different aspects of faith, including trust, obedience, and perseverance, through the study of biblical characters and teachings.

Our Curriculum

  • Topics

    Learn more about the course work that we will be covering throughout the duration of Bible School.

  • Schedule

    Learn more about the general layout of our schedule for Bible School.

  • Ministry Electives

    Learn more about the practical ministry opportunities that we will be providing you with.

Purpose of the Program:

 1. To help students gain an understanding of Christian Biblical principles and ethics, grow spiritually and learn more about God, people, and themselves.

2. Encourage students to serve others and be sensitive to the needs of the people around them.

3. To teach students how to compassionately serve at home, in church and in their community.

4. Give the students an opportunity to use and develop their talents through leadership, servitude, and new experiences in a safe environment.

5. Allow students to gain experience and confidence in ministry, whether it’s singing, preaching, praying, or serving others.

6. Develop friendships with other teens from different states who share the same goals and desire to serve Jesus.

2023 PBST Gallery