Ministry Electives
Ministry Elective Curriculum
Preaching Ministry
Learn the basics of constructing and delivering a gospel message.
Learn the personal and spiritual practices that make for an effective message.
Appropriately utilize additional resources, such as commentaries, references, study Bibles, books, etc. to compliment scriptural message.
Preach a message during youth and general church services (local & trips)
Teach a biblical message in a age-appropriate manner to children during VBS
Children’s Ministry
Learn the basics of child psychology, spiritual formation and how to practically minister to children.
Learn the importance of sharing and connecting every biblical story to the gospel.
Organize a VBS program for children 3-14 years of age
Prepare lessons, crafts, activities and skits.
Delegate appropriate tasks to volunteers.
Create a warm and thematic environment for children during VBS.
Lead the VBS program July 18-22, 2022
Music Ministry
Learn to choose appropriate repertoire of songs, lyrics, and soundtracks/music to encourage, edify and bring the congregation to an awareness of God’s glory.
Learn to appropriately balance and complement vocal differences and various instruments.
Lead worship during youth and church services (including trips and graduation ceremony).
Assist in leading worship during VBS.
Discipleship Ministry
Learn the basic principles of discipleship and hospitality, as according to Jesus and His disciples.
Learn basics of counseling and spiritual guidance.
Apply learnt principles by discipling and mentoring a younger youth member.
Apply discipleship skills during VBS (teen group).